
I’m a mama looking for peace and joy.  I’m working on enjoying the everyday life and making the most of my time with my two boys and sweet baby girl.

My daydreams are of uninterrupted sleep, dishwashers, fenced backyards, and time to work on my many projects.
I love reading, knitting, sewing, and sleeping.
I strive to be a green mama – eating real food, using natural cleaners, teaching my children about nature and recycling.  Some days are better than others.
Some days I just really need a Dr Pepper.
I have a degree in theology from a small Catholic university in the middle of a corn field.
I am a former camp counselor, library assistant, dance teacher, and coordinator of youth ministry.
Therefore, I can say I have done the all important “work in my
Right now I think I like the title “Domestic Engineer” to describe my field.
I would really like to have a field… nice and big, lots of room
for boys to run.
Two of the best pieces of advice I ever got came from my
Dad – first, only show the good photos you take.  Second, the library is a good place for a nap.
My days are made up of dishes, books, boogers, walks,
laundry, fire engines, prayers, food, and more dishes.
And hopes for a good night’s sleep.

You can email me at momentsofpeacemama *at* yahoo *dot* com

2 Responses to About

  1. And what do you like to read?

  2. Pingback: Moments of Peace. | nanacathydotcom

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