{pretty, happy, funny, real} – sleeping baby edition

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~

Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter!

Beautiful dreamer.

Sleeping baby = happy mama.

I love this pose. 

Mama, please quit it with the pictures of me sleeping! 
Because we really do take a lot of pictures of our babies sleeping.  Because it really was such a big deal when the first one slept.  Because he really wouldn’t let me put him down to sleep for at least the first 7 weeks of his life.  Really, I slept sitting upright on the couch with him all that time.  And really, Baby3.0 is an amazing sleeper (by comparison anyway.) 

About *kate

A mama looking for a little piece of peace in her day.
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7 Responses to {pretty, happy, funny, real} – sleeping baby edition

  1. swanski says:

    she is so precious and adorable! I loved when mine slept too 🙂

  2. meghann says:

    Oh my goodness, I could look at pictures of that sweet baby all. day. long. xo

  3. Misty says:

    Sleeping baby pictures are the sweetest. Boy do I miss when my children were that little. 🙂

  4. Becky says:

    Adorable! I can see why you would want to take all the pictures. 🙂 Mine have slept much like your first so I can completely understand your excitement to get a sleeper! Mazel Tov!

  5. Sarah says:

    precious..she really looks quite a bit like #1 (bigger).

    p.s. did you get my card?

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