Yarn Along

Still nothing much to talk about here. 😦 But there is some yarn for Christmas presents on its way and that will be fun. And so will the books that are coming too. Now, before you think I’ve been indulging in some retail therapy you should know this is all stuff that was in holding at my parents. And since we didn’t end up moving there as we had figured on and in fact moved so quickly that we didn’t even get to visit before leaving the time zone it has to be shipped. But packages are still fun (even if I now owe my mom a ton of money) and I’m looking foward to it. Now to get my act together and get settled enough to start seriously working on these projects!

I did get a little reading done this week – Farewell to the East End by Jennifer Worth. The third in the Call the Midwife series and as good as the others. I also started Light in the Dark Ages – The Friendship of Francis and Clare of Assisi by Jon M. Sweeney. But that might just requite too much brain power to get through right now. I’ll give it another week and see how it goes.

Happy Yarn Along!IMG_0673[1]

About *kate

A mama looking for a little piece of peace in her day.
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6 Responses to Yarn Along

  1. karen says:

    ohhhh, yarn mail is the bestest ever, can’t wait to see what you bought and maybe hear what you’re going to knit for the holidays.

  2. Shirley Ann says:

    I love love LOVE getting yarn in the mail! Such a treat to self LOL

  3. Kymberly says:

    I love the Call the Midwife series. I might have to look into reading the books. Your knitting is looking lovely.

  4. Donna says:

    Yarn in the mail is awesome! I love Call the Midwife. I have some catching up to do on Netflix!

  5. Boo! on the expensive postage, but Yay! on yarn and good stuff in the mail!

  6. alisa says:

    oh yarn packages are the best kind!!! Enjoy!!!

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