Yarn Along

I wish I could spend my evenings on the couch, watching tv, and knitting. But Baby Girl is very bedtime resistant. It’s been 2 hour bedtimes lately. Most uncool. So my projects are all still stalled out. Maybe next week there will be better news.

I did, however, finish both Pride and Prejudice and Notes from a Blue Bike and enjoyed both very much. There were aspects of Notes that were irksome to me (we don’t all have the option to be so intentional with our kids’ schooling, for example, or have the option of funding our kids’ college fund from some place other than our salary.) But a lot of good ideas to think about. I’m pretty sure this will be one I’ll come back to again.

So I’m still reading The Little Oratory and Happiest Toddler on the Block. And I picked up The Penderwicks at the new library we visited on Sunday. Perhaps next I should tackle something already residing on my shelves?

Happy Wednesday! Happy Yarn Along!
P.S. Last night I did get to sit down and watch the first episode of Pride and Prejudice and knit a whole 5 rows! Taking joy in the little things today.

About *kate

A mama looking for a little piece of peace in her day.
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6 Responses to Yarn Along

  1. karen says:

    that little stinker….one day she will go to sleep and you will resume your couch knitting, I promise!!

  2. Last summer we did the 2 hour bedtime, but mostly because we switched to a toddler bed and C figured out that she could get out of bed whenever she wanted. Ugh. It took all summer for her to figure out sleep again!

  3. Ugh! Well, I hope Baby Girl’s sleep schedule works itself out at some point.

  4. Kelli says:

    Boy oh boy…the bedtime fiascos in my house often nip my knitting time in the bud. I feel your pain. I try to take heart in that they’ll be little for a short time, but sometimes a momma needs her couch and needles :).
    Blessings to you.

  5. Erin says:

    5 rows is awesome! I feel you on making time for the important things. Little sister is a pretty important thing…

  6. Sarah says:

    Ugh, I know that bedtime story! Usually it gets mostly better and then there will be another developmental cycle where they might struggle with sleep again but if you lay the groundwork the first time, it gets easier!
    I just love The Penderwicks – they are my good friends and I can’t wait until my children are old enough that they will become friends too! I hope you enjoy it.

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